red carpet


Smile Makeovers: 6 Celebrities that Should Be Thanking their Dentist

April 29, 2013

Not everyone is born with wondrous good looks and a perfect, charming smile--celebrities included. Often times, it takes a little bit of help from a...

silver rings


4 Uses for Toothpaste Your Dentist Didn’t Tell You About

April 19, 2013

Toothpaste: it cleans and protects your teeth and makes your breath fresh, but did you know that toothpaste has many household uses as well? Here...

joker cards


Got Pranked on April Fools? Return the Favor with these Dentistry Themed Pranks

April 12, 2013

Did you get pranked by someone this April Fools Day?  If so, now is the time to wipe that smile off their face with these...

couple on a bench


How Your Dentist Could Help You Get a Date

April 9, 2013

Nothing exudes more confidence than the charm and allure of a beautiful smile and a set of perfect, pearly whites, but did you know that...

decorative bottles


Can’t Make it to the Dentist? Try These DIY Natural Mouthwash Recipes

April 5, 2013

[caption id="attachment_4358" align="alignnone" width="560" caption="Who says you have to use plastic bottles?"][/caption] Mouthwash is an excellent tool for dental health. It helps to loosen food...

clean paintbrushes


Art For Dentists: People Getting Creative

April 2, 2013

It may not seem like dentists have anything to do with art, but you'd be surprised at the ideas some people come up with!  The field has...