How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

Posted on: October 3, 2023 | Blog

The journey to a straighter smile usually begins with braces. Whether it’s for cosmetic reasons or to address bite and alignment issues, braces have been a reliable orthodontic solution for decades. However, one of the most common questions people have when considering braces is, “How long do braces take to straighten teeth?” Let’s take a look at some of the factors that influence the duration of orthodontic treatment and what you can expect.

How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

There are a variety of factors that can affect how long it takes for braces to straighten your teeth. In some cases, your teeth may become straightened and properly spaced after about 6 months of treatment. In other cases, this can take two years or more. On average, braces take between 18 to 24 months to straighten teeth. However, each person’s teeth are unique, so each situation is a bit different. Let’s take a look at a few different scenarios, as well as the factors that can affect how long braces take to straighten teeth.

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1. The Complexity of Your Orthodontic Issues

The first factor that plays a significant role in determining how long you’ll need braces is the complexity of your orthodontic issues. Not all cases are the same. Some people require minor adjustments to their teeth, while others may have more severe misalignments or bite problems. Orthodontists assess your specific needs during the initial consultation and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique situation.

There are many situations that require braces, and fixing some issues takes longer than others. For example, if your teeth are only slightly overlapping, crowding, or spaced apart, treatment may take as little as six months to a year. In contrast, severe crowding, large gaps or spaces, or severe misalignments may require two to three years or even longer to achieve the desired results. The complexity of your case plays a big role in determining how long braces take to straight teeth.

2. Your Age Can Make a Difference

Age can also influence how long it takes for braces to straighten your teeth. Generally, younger patients tend to see faster results than adults. This is because younger individuals have more flexible and responsive jawbones, which allows for quicker tooth movement.

Adults, on the other hand, may experience a slower pace of treatment due to the reduced flexibility of their jawbones and the potential for other oral health issues. However, advancements in orthodontic technology and techniques have made adult orthodontic treatment more efficient in recent years, for patients of all ages.

3. The Type of Braces You Choose

Another significant factor affecting the duration of orthodontic treatment is the type of braces you use. Traditional metal braces are highly effective, but may require a longer treatment time compared to some newer alternatives. Aligning trays, like Invisalign, generally don’t require as long of a treatment time, but these usually work best for minor orthodontic issues.

  • Metal Braces: Metal braces or traditional braces are the most common type of braces and are highly effective. However, they usually require treatment for an average of 18 to 24 months. These types of braces are ideal for more obvious orthodontic issues.
  • Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces work similarly to metal braces but are less noticeable due to their tooth-colored brackets. Treatment time with ceramic braces is usually comparable to metal braces.
  • Invisible Aligners: In recent years, clear aligners like Invisalign have gained popularity. These removable trays offer a more discreet option for straightening teeth. Treatment times vary but are often shorter for minor to moderate alignment issues, typically ranging from 6 months to 2 years.

4. Compliance with Orthodontic Instructions

Your cooperation and adherence to your orthodontist’s instructions play a pivotal role in how long your braces take to work. This includes following your orthodontist’s advice on wearing elastics, keeping appointments, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Failing to comply with these guidelines can extend the duration of your treatment. Not wearing elastics or neglecting oral hygiene can lead to complications and hinder the progress of your braces. For removable aligning trays, it’s essential to wear the aligner anytime you are not eating or brushing your teeth, which is usually about 20 to 22 hours a day. Frequently removing or not wearing the aligners will cause the treatment to take longer.

5. Regular Orthodontic Check-Ups

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are essential to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments. These appointments usually occur every 4-6 weeks, and they allow your orthodontist to see how your teeth are responding to treatment.

During these visits, your orthodontist may make adjustments to the wires and brackets, ensuring that your teeth continue moving in the right direction. Without these appointments and adjustments, it will be harder to achieve the desired results within the expected timeframe.

While the average time for braces to straighten teeth is around 18 to 24 months, some may require less time, while others may need more time. A few of these considerations can help you approximately determine how long you might need to wear braces, but an orthodontist can give you a more accurate estimate. Remember that the end result—a healthier, more confident you—is well worth the time and effort invested in your orthodontic journey. If you’re considering braces, consult with the experienced orthodontists and dentists at BDG today.


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