How to Stop Tooth Pain Fast (Without Pills) 

Posted on: April 9, 2024 | Blog

Tooth pain can be tough to endure. This can be even tougher to deal with if you don’t want to or can’t take over-the-counter pain medicine. However, there are solutions. If you’re experiencing oral pain or sensitivity, you’re probably wondering how to stop tooth pain fast without pills. Let’s take a look at a few tooth pain remedies, and what you can do to alleviate your discomfort without taking pills.

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Where Does Tooth Pain Come From?

There are many different types of tooth pain, and many different causes behind them. Understanding the source of your tooth pain makes a big difference when it comes to finding the right pain relief. This can also help you know what to expect from your tooth pain, such as whether it will get worse or better with time.

There are many different things that can cause tooth pain. Let’s consider a few common sources of oral pain you might experience.

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Tooth Decay

If you haven’t visited the dentist in a while or you haven’t been keeping up your dental hygiene routine, tooth decay may be causing your tooth pain. This is often an indication that a cavity or dental cary has formed. This pain won’t go away on its own, but a dentist can fill the cavity, remove the decay, and stop the tooth pain.

Tooth Infection

cavity untreated

If tooth decay isn’t addressed, a tooth infection can set in. This occurs when bacteria in your mouth overwhelm your body’s defenses and cause damage to your tooth’s or mouth’s deeper structures, like your tooth roots. It is critical to see a dentist at this stage, since this can seriously endanger your health.

Teeth Grinding

Stress is often the cause of nighttime or even daytime teeth grinding. This can also cause regular tooth pain. Reducing stress, using healthy coping mechanisms, or using mouth guards can help to reduce tooth pain, but it’s unlikely to go away on its own without making changes.

Sinus Infection

A sinus infection can cause tooth pain that is generally focused on your upper teeth. Since your sinuses are near to your upper teeth’s roots, you might feel like the pain is concentrated in your tooth roots. Sinus infections can heal on their own, but they can also get worse if your body struggles to fight off the infection. If your symptoms don’t go away or get worse after about 10 days, you should see your doctor.

Damaged Tooth

If your tooth has chipped, cracked, or it’s been otherwise damaged, this will cause tooth pain. Unlike other parts of your body, your teeth can’t heal themselves, so this type of tooth pain will not improve on its own. Your dentist can repair, replace, or remove the damaged tooth, which will stop the pain over time.

Oral Surgery Complications

Complications after oral surgery, such as wisdom teeth removal, tooth removal, or tooth implants, aren’t common, but can cause tooth pain if they do occur. This can come from a condition like a dry socket, where a blood clot is dislodged, or infection. It’s critical to visit your dentist for an emergency appointment if you experience severe and worsening tooth pain after oral surgery.

How to Stop Tooth Pain Fast

There are different levels and types of tooth pain. As previously discussed, some types of tooth pain can go away on their own, while others will get worse without help from a dentist. If you’re taking other medications or you don’t want to take pills, over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen might not be available to you. In this section, we’ll discuss a few ways to stop tooth pain fast without pills, but it’s important to remember that these pain remedies are not long term solutions.

These pain remedies can help you endure short term tooth pain, or help you cope until you can see your dentist or doctor. However, pain is a signal from your body that something is wrong, and you shouldn’t ignore or dull these important signals for too long before getting in to see a dentist.

Pain Relief Gel

Pain relief gels and ointments are an effective way to stop tooth pain fast, but to relieve pain in your mouth, it’s essential to find pain relief gel that is safe for oral use. Many pain relief gels are designed for use on your skin, but others are designed for use on your teeth or gums.

Oral pain relief gels are topical anesthetics and use numbing agents like benzocaine (like Orajel) or lidocaine (like Anbesol), to reduce pain in your teeth or gums. These can be effective, immediate pain relievers for tooth pain. However, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist for drug interactions or side effects before using them.

Cold or Warm Compress

For some types of pain, a warm compress or a cold ice pack, can help reduce pain. Though either remedy can be effective, they generally won’t fully numb the area like the oral pain relief gel and ointments mentioned above. This remedy can be effective for less intense, but more persistent pain, such as that from teeth grinding, braces, or a sinus infection and offers an option that does not rely on a pain relieving medication at all.

A cold compress, such as an ice pack wrapped in a towel, helps to reduce blood flow, numb the affected area and reduce swelling. A cold compress can also help reduce pain and inflammation occurring after surgery. A warm compress, such as a towel soaked in warm water or a microwaved sock filled with rice, helps to increase blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness, which might occur from teeth grinding. Depending on the type of pain you’re experiencing, a cold or warm compress might be a comforting and natural method for tooth pain relief.

If you’re dealing with tooth pain, remember that pain is usually your body’s signal that something is wrong, and it needs help. Talk with your dentist or doctor about your pain as soon as you can. In the meantime, these remedies can help stop tooth pain fast without pills, and give you some relief. If you’re experiencing tooth pain and you’re in the Las Vegas area, contact your local BDG office for an appointment today.

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