Team BDG Tough Mudder 2013
May 24, 2013
The fear of going to the dentist for some people is life threatening. People really hate going to the dentist and you know what? This...
Toothbrushes Used to Be Made from WHAT?! A Look Back at the History of Dentists
May 22, 2013
Nowadays, going to the dentist is such a normal part of people's every day lives that we often forget that dental care didn’t always used...
Dentists Reveal How Exercise Can Help Improve Oral Health
May 20, 2013
Poor dental health has been linked to a wide variety of diseases that affect the rest of the body. We all know exercise is good...
Could Future Dentists Learn to Grow Teeth?
May 17, 2013
How's this for an idea? After losing a tooth as an adult, instead of getting a bridge or having an artificial tooth implanted, you go...
Dentist Recommended Kid Snacks that are Great for Gums and Teeth
May 15, 2013
Children are notorious for being picky eaters, so what's an oral hygiene conscious parent to do? Check out these snacks that are recommended by dentists...
How Your Trip to the Dentist Affects More Than Just Your Mouth
May 8, 2013
Your oral hygiene impacts much more than just your mouth. Poor oral health is often associated with many common health ailments, including heart disease, diabetes,...
Smile Makeovers: 6 Celebrities that Should Be Thanking their Dentist
April 29, 2013
Not everyone is born with wondrous good looks and a perfect, charming smile--celebrities included. Often times, it takes a little bit of help from a...
4 Uses for Toothpaste Your Dentist Didn’t Tell You About
April 19, 2013
Toothpaste: it cleans and protects your teeth and makes your breath fresh, but did you know that toothpaste has many household uses as well? Here...
Got Pranked on April Fools? Return the Favor with these Dentistry Themed Pranks
April 12, 2013
Did you get pranked by someone this April Fools Day? If so, now is the time to wipe that smile off their face with these...
How Your Dentist Could Help You Get a Date
April 9, 2013
Nothing exudes more confidence than the charm and allure of a beautiful smile and a set of perfect, pearly whites, but did you know that...
Can’t Make it to the Dentist? Try These DIY Natural Mouthwash Recipes
April 5, 2013
[caption id="attachment_4358" align="alignnone" width="560" caption="Who says you have to use plastic bottles?"][/caption] Mouthwash is an excellent tool for dental health. It helps to loosen food...
Art For Dentists: People Getting Creative
April 2, 2013
It may not seem like dentists have anything to do with art, but you'd be surprised at the ideas some people come up with! The field has...
Dentists Don’t Just Drill, They Sing, Dance and Rap, Too!
March 28, 2013
[caption id="attachment_4293" align="alignnone" width="639" caption="If Psy were a dentist, he'd probably look like this."][/caption] We often associate dentists with words like "boring" or "scary." For...
Sink Your Teeth Into Some Art, Literally
March 22, 2013
Who says "art" must be confined to a canvas? Artists are always finding new ways to express themselves. For example, Alaskans began engraving walrus tusks...
Looking for a Childrens Dentist in Henderson NV?
March 20, 2013
There are few things more precious in life than a child's smile, and at BDG, we make it our mission to bring out the biggest...
Finding Professional Green Valley Dentists
With the abundance of dentists in the Las Vegas area, it can be difficult to find your ideal dentist office. BDG can provide you Green Valley...
A Trusted Emergency Dentist in Henderson NV
After your emergency needs are met, we'd love to see you return with a bright smile in the future. That's why we pride ourselves on...
A Fun Kids Dentist in Henderson
Children have special needs when it comes to dentistry. The experiences a child has now can last long into adulthood, especially when it comes to...
The Best Green Valley Dentist Henderson Has to Offer
March 19, 2013
A Green Valley Dentist You Can Trust At BDG, we want to be more than just a one-time dentist visit. We pride ourselves in cultivating...
Quality Henderson Dentistry
Care for the Entire Family Here at BDG, we provide gentle, convenient, and friendly care to patients in Las Vegas. When you visit one of BDG's...
Things Your Dentist Never Told You About Your Tongue
Most people don't give the tongue much thought. There's actually a lot more to the tongue than meets the eye! Not only is your tongue...